Category: Investing

When markets take a spill, especially when it comes to your retirement investments, it’s harder to find ways to meet your financial goals. If you were relying on IRA or 401(k) withdrawals to cover your expenses, doing so when markets...

Can You Turn Investment Losses into Tax Gains? Millstone Financial Group

During your saving years, your main goal is to accumulate wealth so that you have the resources to achieve a comfortable retirement. But that is just half the battle. How you use your savings to cover your living costs is...

Does the 4% Rule Really Work? Millstone Financial Group

For decades, the name of the personal finances game has been an asset or equity growth. High-growth tech stocks grew to dominate the market, some of which have grown to be among the largest companies in the world. And if...

Rediscover the Value of Yields in Tough Markets Millstone Financial Group

You may think that as a high net worth individual, or even a millionaire next door, you may have an easy road ahead in maintaining your wealth. But a greater amount of wealth to protect introduces unique challenges that are...

5 Unique Risks for the Affluent Investor Millstone Financial Group

Nowadays, the word “volatility” seems thrown around more than ever. Usually, when it comes to financial talk, “volatility” is used to describe a downward trend. But that’s not what volatility really means! Volatility is technically referring to large up and...

What Volatility Truly Means Millstone Financial

Saving for retirement is a long-term endeavor. It’s not about finding the next hottest stock or trying to get rich quickly. It requires a different perspective on your wealth and income that accounts for your needs in different stages of...

5 Key Components to the Retirement Bucket Strategy Millstone Financial

If you’ve followed markets or financial news, especially in the past few years, you may have come across the term “fear of missing out,” commonly abbreviated to FOMO. When markets keep going up, FOMO can start to creep in. It...

Don’t Succumb to the Fear of Missing Out Millstone Financial

During bear markets, we must ask different questions about our money and our assets. It is no longer about which stocks will double over the next twelve months. Instead, in our opinion, it will likely be about how to preserve...

IRAs and Sequence of Returns Risk millstone Financial

Now that you’re nearing retirement, the term “market volatility” might stir up different feelings than it did 30 years ago. Older workers and retirees understand that they have less time to make up for losses in their investments and to...

How Do You Handle a Volatile Market? Millstone Financial

There’s a lot of investing advice out there, but how do you know what’s right or what’s right for your specific situation? The rules can change a bit when you get closer to and enter retirement, and the world of...

Three Things to Know About Investing in Retirement Millstone Financial Group