Category: Retirement Planning

If you’re nearing retirement, have retired, or recently left your company for any reason, you should consider creating a 401(k) game plan. Know how your investment options can possibly expand, how to avoid potential tax issues, and what you’ll do...

If you have a 401(k), IRA, or other retirement accounts, it’s important to keep a few things top of mind: Know how much you’re contributing, how your investments are performing, and how much you’re paying in fees. You should also...

People are retiring differently today than in the past – just think, will you retire exactly like your parents did? Probably not. Retirement is no longer about the end of a career; it’s about the beginning of a new, often...

Retirement planning can be stressful because there are a lot of things to keep track of. One of the steps that often gets overlooked is announcing to your employer that you are going to retire. This may require writing a...

Today’s retirees may be the richest the world has ever seen with Baby Boomers holding more than half of U.S. household wealth as of the end of 2020.[1] While you may be looking forward to traveling, working on your golf...

In 1960, a gallon of milk cost 36 cents, and today it costs $3.35 on average.[1] Inflation is to blame, and we could see higher inflation in the coming years. It’s important to have a sense of how much you’ll...

While $1 million is sometimes cited as the ideal number for retirement savings,[1] this assumes a one-size-fits-all approach to retirement planning. Everyone’s retirement goals are unique, and preparing for retirement might not be as simple as saving a certain amount...

We’ve seen increased government spending due to COVID and significant increases in government debt. Some economists theorize that this could lead to increased inflation, and many claim that we are already seeing the effects. Although the official inflation rate may...

The Biden administration already plans to spend $1.9 trillion on COVID relief and has plans to spend trillions more on infrastructure projects, Medicaid expansion, education, and climate investments. In order to fund these projects, the administration has proposed several tax-increasing...

The rule of thumb says you’ll need about 80% of your pre-retirement income in retirement, but everyone is different. Many retirees want to upgrade their lifestyle in retirement or maintain their current lifestyle. In fact, a recent study shows that...